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1st Annual Earth Day Sustainable Fashion Show -- A Retrospective

Written by Jessica | May 15, 2023 3:00:00 PM


At Vulture Collective our mission is to reduce textile waste, with this in mind we wanted to host a fashion show that highlighted all the fashionable ways you can extend the life of clothes that already exist.  Our first ever Sustainable Fashion Show (or First Annual Earth Day Fashion Show *wink*) was part of Sustainable Resilient Longmont's 9th Annual Earth Day Celebration. Produced and organized by Staci Bernstein, this event celebrated second-hand fashions, as well as upcycled, repurposed, and slow fashion designs.

Our Earth Day Sustainable Fashion Show surpassed our expectations, captivating fashion enthusiasts and environmentalists alike. We carefully curated an extraordinary collection of second-hand garments, each one sourced from arc thrift stores  and our own clothing swaps, representing the unique stories of style and sustainability that lie within pre-loved clothing.

Highlights of the show included Silver Creek H.S. Senior, Ellie Klish, and her collection of garments made from second-hand textiles; the imaginative creations of Staci Bernstein, whose designs showcase the transformative power of repurposed materials; and locally based slow fashion brand Goddess Gear, whose designs were paired with accessories by Steffie Notion.  The designers showed a broad range of styles that fall under the umbrella of sustainable fashion.

Additionally, we were excited to feature the designs of participants from Firehouse Art Center's Slay the Runway summer camp. These young talents demonstrated their creativity and commitment to sustainability by upcycling and repurposing garments, breathing new life into old materials.

The goal of our Earth Day Sustainable Fashion Show was to inspire attendees to embrace eco-friendly choices no matter their personal style, and appreciate the incredible talent within our local sustainable fashion community. We celebrated the beauty of slow, second-hand, repurposed and upcycled fashions, and the creative minds driving sustainable fashion forward locally. We hope this event will continue to inspire positive change and encourage everyone to embrace a more eco-conscious approach to fashion.

Special thanks to photographers mark ivins, Nicole Kutzer, and Marta padysz.