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EforAll Perspectives: Jackie

If you told me 3 years ago that I was going to be an entrepreneur, I would have laughed at you. Although I had dabbled in “side hustles” like many 21st century Americans, I didn’t feel I had the knowledge or skills to actually grow something from the ground up. When Jessica shared her vision with me last January, I was enthusiastic and clueless as to where it would take me. I had no vision for entering the world of running a small business.

Before last spring, I perceived pitch contests and accelerators as programs for tech folks. So I was pleasantly surprised when we looked into EforAll and realized it fit with what we were trying to accomplish. I went into the pitch contest knowing we had a great idea, but unsure if other business-minded folks would be convinced. It was quite affirming to win 1st place and the audience favorite in the competition. 

Receiving reward money was nice, but the validation that Vulture Collective made business sense really gave us the confidence to move forward. The Summer Accelerator was the obvious next step. Although Jessica and I had put a lot of work into our plan prior to the accelerator, EforAll gave us the resources to be more efficient, to see our idea through various perspectives, and to learn from the paths others have taken before us. 

I am exceedingly thankful for the community Jessica and I found in EforAll. Our cohort is supportive and full of creative people who have great plans for the future of business in our area. We have also connected with mentors who give us honest and productive feedback. They collaborate when we need ideas and push us when we get stuck pontificating about what might happen. I look forward to seeing what we are able to accomplish with our cohort and mentors by our side for the next several months.